Seven Dimensions of Wellness

健康不仅仅是身体健康、锻炼或营养. 它是我们身体状态的完全整合, emotional, intellectual, occupational, environmental, spiritual and social wellness. 这七个维度中的每一个都以有助于你自己的生活质量的方式起作用和相互作用.

Social Wellness

社交健康是你与周围人互动的能力. 它指的是与你生活中的人或你刚遇到的人发展并保持健康的关系. 在获得自信和尊重他人的过程中,你将建立一个强大的支持系统.

Test your social wellness. Do you:
  • 与朋友和家人保持有意义的关系
  • Create a support system
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Respect yourself and others
  • 培养处理冲突和困难情况的技能
  • Respect all cultures and people
Plan of action:
  • Meet new people and make new friends by:
    • 微笑并向别人介绍自己(试着在课堂上与陌生人交谈)
    • Working out, joining a group or fitness class
    • 参加你感兴趣的活动、学生组织、兄弟会或姐妹会
    • Getting involved in things you like to do, 很有可能还有其他人喜欢同样的东西
  • 与朋友、家人、室友、同事或伴侣关系不好?
    • 试着保持冷静,想想你要说什么
    • Utilize compromise
    • 专注于解决问题而不是责备别人,使用“我感觉”的语句
    • 问问你们的关系是否比这种冲突更有价值
If you need help, you can always seek help.
Learn more about student organizations and things to do on campus at Carroll University.

Emotional Wellness

这是一种了解自己和应对生活挑战的能力. 它是一种承认和分享愤怒情绪的能力, fear, sadness, hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner. It really means paying attention to your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. 这意味着你能够表达你的真实感受, 你要努力保持乐观的生活态度.

What is emotional wellness? Being able to:
  • 通过考虑感情、思想、哲学和行为来做出选择或决定
  • 要独立,但也要认识到支持和帮助的重要性,并能够寻求帮助
  • 与他人建立以相互承诺、信任和尊重为特征的关系
  • 接受挑战,承担风险,认识到冲突和不健康的习惯
  • 管理好自己的生活,为自己的行为负责
Test your emotional wellness:
  • 你在工作、学校、家庭、朋友和其他方面保持平衡吗?
  • Do you have methods to reduce stress?
  • 你能在尽可能少的压力和担忧的情况下做决定吗?
  • Can you set priorities?

Plan of action:
  • Become aware of thoughts and feelings
  • Have or practice having a positive attitude
  • Seek support if you are having any difficulty
  • Set goals
  • Accept mistakes, learn from them and move forward
Learn more about 威尼斯游戏大厅的咨询和残疾服务.

Spiritual Wellness

我们的精神健康是利用提供目标的价值观和信仰在我们自己的生活中建立和平与和谐的能力. 除了以一种与我们自己的信仰相一致的方式生活, 这通常意味着对他人的信仰和价值观持宽容和开放的态度 

Test your spiritual wellness:

  • Do you find time to relax each day?
  • 你每天都有冥想和/或祈祷吗?
  • Do your values guide your decisions and behavior?
  • Are you tolerant of the views of others?


Learn more about spiritual life at Carroll University.

Environmental Wellness

我们的环境健康是认识到我们对空气质量的责任的能力, water, land and environment that surrounds us. 我们的环境包括我们的家、社区和地球. 环境健康是寻找地球与自我之间的平衡,以及与自然和个人环境的相互作用. 我们的目标是尽可能地保护你的环境,减少对地球的伤害. 环境危害的例子包括空气污染、噪音和水污染等.

Test your environmental wellness:

  • Do you recycle?
  • 如果你在环境中看到问题,你会尝试修复它吗?
  • Do you volunteer for environmental causes?
  • Are you aware of your surroundings at all times?

If you answered "no" to any of the questions, 它可能表明你需要改善环境健康状况的领域.

Plan of action:

  • 要意识到地球自然资源的有限性
  • 对长期和短期的环境需求负责
  • 注意你的日常习惯是如何影响你周围的世界的
  • Get involved and volunteer

Learn more about community service and volunteering and environmental sustainability at Carroll University.

Occupational Wellness

职业健康是平衡工作、学习和休闲时间的能力. 这也可能意味着解决工作压力问题和/或与同事建立关系. 大学是探索不同职业选择和积累专业领域经验的黄金时期. You may also work while being a student.​

Test your occupational wellness:

  • Do you enjoy going to work most days?
  • Do you have a manageable workload at work?
  • 如果出现问题,你觉得你可以和你的上司或同事谈谈吗?

If you answered "no" to any of these questions, 这可能表明你需要关注你的职业健康.

Learn more about campus employment opportunities for students and Career Services at Carroll University.

Intellectual Wellness

这是一种敞开心扉接受新想法和经验的能力,可以应用于个人决策, group interaction and community betterment. 它是学习的欲望,提高我们的技能和寻求挑战. 大学是提高智力的最佳场所.​

Test your intellectual wellness:

  • Are you open to new ideas?
  • Do you feel happy with your major choice?
  • Is there something you wish you knew?
  • 你在寻找终身学习的机会和刺激的精神活动吗?
  • Do you look for ways to use creativity?
  • Do you seek personal growth?


Plan of action:

  • Enjoy mental growth and stimulation
  • Get involved in intellectual and cultural activities
  • Go to class 
  • 参与探索新的想法和理解

Physical Wellness

我们的身体健康是保持健康生活质量的能力,它使我们在日常活动中不感到疲劳或压力. 这意味着认识到我们可能有的任何有害的习惯,并养成健康的习惯.

Plan of action:

  • Exercise 
  • Get routine check-ups
  • Eat balanced meals
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
  • Sleep!

Learn more about Student Health Services at Carroll University.

Learn Moreabout RecSports

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